It’s Monday again … which means another opportunity to chase wonder together through our weekly discussion.
Here’s the question: This week, I’m drawing from Jen Pollock Michel’s discussion question from Day 1 of A Habit Called Faith. What is one practical way you cultivate the habit of listening to God in your life?
By the way, if you are reading along with us in the Summer Reading Club, don’t forget to start your reading today!
Do you have any practical ways you are doing that? I know for me, it involves keep pretty strict habits in the morning and evening, otherwise the day just gets away from me.
I use the practice of yoga, with the quiet and the breathing, it is my way to listen to God. I don't do yoga each day and that is something I am working on, to increase my practices.
I like yoga, but I'm not very good at it yet. Even simple routines are hard for me, and I find that I'm too distracted by the stretch or struggle to be mindful. Maybe I need to do it more. Do you attend a class? Or do it on your own? I think there's so much potential there.
I have attended classes before, but this past year I have followed someone I really like from the comforts of my home with a laptop. She explains it as it is a "practice", so you start from where you are and each time you do it, you may stretch more or not, depending on the day and your body. You might be mindful one day, or maybe your mind wanders and it is ok. I like that way of thinking, so it is ok with whatever my mind and body are capable of doing that day. I think doing it by myself this past year has been beneficial.
I read A Habit Called Faith during Lent earlier this years, and I usually don't re-read a book this soon, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to read it again and discuss it here. I'm most likely in a different life season from most of your readers, Charity. My husband and I are retired, and both chronic and current health issues have slowed our comings and going this past finding time to read and study and wonder isn't a challenge. I'm incredibly grateful that I've also been able to establish solid faith habits over the years that have carried me and kept me grounded when life around me was hard and overwhelming. That said, Jen offers a different perspective on faith habits that I appreciate, and I love the way she weaves testimonies throughout the daily readings. BUT that doesn't answer the question. My first reading through HCF I couldn't answer that question. I couldn't see how I could listen more than I do, but as I read Day 1 this time, it occurred to me that I need to ask God more questions and anticipate an answer - even if the answer is "that's not for you to understand."
This is such a great testimony, Patricia. Asking God questions instead of just telling him things does seem like a great way to listen better ... and then anticipate that he will answer. So good.
And you would be surprised about the range of readers here ... there actually are quite a few who are retired, like you and your husband.
Through nature. Like the hummingbird that floated right up to me, or the 2 herons that flew a circle around me, then flew away during a walk on a particularly bad day. I tried to start silent meditation, which lasted about 5 minutes due to my busy brain, so I will continue to work on the silent meditation!
I want to grow in my capacity to sit in silence, too. Think it's a good way to listen. I don't necessarily think the busy brain is a bad sign. I think it just needs more time to calm. I haven't sat quietly long enough for that to happen yet, though!
If I can read the assigned scripture on my daily Jesuit reading app it makes such a difference. Offering God a chance to make himself heard above and before the captivating distraction of “the scroll!!”
Yes! I do try to do morning prayer first thing too, though I'll admit to occasional scrolls beforehand. I'm grateful that God continues to speak to us through his word.
What a good question...I'm usually more intent on 'doing' than listening...reading, praying, refecting, rather than listening. I do concentrate on expectation--seeing where God is showing up in my life with connections or encouragement s. I think I'll add a couple minutes of silence after my reading in these this next week's. Thanks!
Let us know how adding silence to your morning routine goes, Q! I don't do that as often as I want to. This morning I did, though, and while God did not "say" anything directly to me, I had a renewed sense of his presence.
For me, it is nature….I see God and all his wonder in nature. Recently, while staying with my dear aunt that is going through chemo, we were sitting on her porch enjoying the beautiful weather. We noticed a momma bird feeding her babies in a nest right in front of us in a tree. (Literally 10 feet from us) we watched her fly away and come back with food and boy did they want it:) the next day, all three babies were out of the nest on different limbs and we watched the momma teach them to fly. All the while come back abs giving them snacks and chirping what we thought were words of encouragement. It was one of the most beautiful things I have seen. The next morning, we were leaving for her to get a blood transfusion, and one of the babies were perched on the rim of the screen in the front door. Just there peeking in, as if to say good morning…you are loved. Life is hard! It just is! But when I am consciously seeking his wonder, the beauty of nature never disappoints.
I love this, Michelle. I often listen to God through nature, too. I think the truth of God is stamped over and over in the things He's made, and when we observe and listen, he reminds us of them. Continuing to pray for Deb.
So good, Jacquie. Is there a certain posture or practice that you do to accomplish this? This is something I want to make more space for in my own life.
Making time with God my highest priority
Do you have any practical ways you are doing that? I know for me, it involves keep pretty strict habits in the morning and evening, otherwise the day just gets away from me.
I use the practice of yoga, with the quiet and the breathing, it is my way to listen to God. I don't do yoga each day and that is something I am working on, to increase my practices.
I like yoga, but I'm not very good at it yet. Even simple routines are hard for me, and I find that I'm too distracted by the stretch or struggle to be mindful. Maybe I need to do it more. Do you attend a class? Or do it on your own? I think there's so much potential there.
I have attended classes before, but this past year I have followed someone I really like from the comforts of my home with a laptop. She explains it as it is a "practice", so you start from where you are and each time you do it, you may stretch more or not, depending on the day and your body. You might be mindful one day, or maybe your mind wanders and it is ok. I like that way of thinking, so it is ok with whatever my mind and body are capable of doing that day. I think doing it by myself this past year has been beneficial.
I read A Habit Called Faith during Lent earlier this years, and I usually don't re-read a book this soon, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to read it again and discuss it here. I'm most likely in a different life season from most of your readers, Charity. My husband and I are retired, and both chronic and current health issues have slowed our comings and going this past finding time to read and study and wonder isn't a challenge. I'm incredibly grateful that I've also been able to establish solid faith habits over the years that have carried me and kept me grounded when life around me was hard and overwhelming. That said, Jen offers a different perspective on faith habits that I appreciate, and I love the way she weaves testimonies throughout the daily readings. BUT that doesn't answer the question. My first reading through HCF I couldn't answer that question. I couldn't see how I could listen more than I do, but as I read Day 1 this time, it occurred to me that I need to ask God more questions and anticipate an answer - even if the answer is "that's not for you to understand."
This is such a great testimony, Patricia. Asking God questions instead of just telling him things does seem like a great way to listen better ... and then anticipate that he will answer. So good.
And you would be surprised about the range of readers here ... there actually are quite a few who are retired, like you and your husband.
Through nature. Like the hummingbird that floated right up to me, or the 2 herons that flew a circle around me, then flew away during a walk on a particularly bad day. I tried to start silent meditation, which lasted about 5 minutes due to my busy brain, so I will continue to work on the silent meditation!
I want to grow in my capacity to sit in silence, too. Think it's a good way to listen. I don't necessarily think the busy brain is a bad sign. I think it just needs more time to calm. I haven't sat quietly long enough for that to happen yet, though!
If I can read the assigned scripture on my daily Jesuit reading app it makes such a difference. Offering God a chance to make himself heard above and before the captivating distraction of “the scroll!!”
Yes! I do try to do morning prayer first thing too, though I'll admit to occasional scrolls beforehand. I'm grateful that God continues to speak to us through his word.
Agggg - I sneaky-scroll first more often than not!
What a good question...I'm usually more intent on 'doing' than listening...reading, praying, refecting, rather than listening. I do concentrate on expectation--seeing where God is showing up in my life with connections or encouragement s. I think I'll add a couple minutes of silence after my reading in these this next week's. Thanks!
Let us know how adding silence to your morning routine goes, Q! I don't do that as often as I want to. This morning I did, though, and while God did not "say" anything directly to me, I had a renewed sense of his presence.
Good to 'hear.' And for me this will be an evening routine! You may remember what mornings are like for me!
For me, it is nature….I see God and all his wonder in nature. Recently, while staying with my dear aunt that is going through chemo, we were sitting on her porch enjoying the beautiful weather. We noticed a momma bird feeding her babies in a nest right in front of us in a tree. (Literally 10 feet from us) we watched her fly away and come back with food and boy did they want it:) the next day, all three babies were out of the nest on different limbs and we watched the momma teach them to fly. All the while come back abs giving them snacks and chirping what we thought were words of encouragement. It was one of the most beautiful things I have seen. The next morning, we were leaving for her to get a blood transfusion, and one of the babies were perched on the rim of the screen in the front door. Just there peeking in, as if to say good morning…you are loved. Life is hard! It just is! But when I am consciously seeking his wonder, the beauty of nature never disappoints.
I love this, Michelle. I often listen to God through nature, too. I think the truth of God is stamped over and over in the things He's made, and when we observe and listen, he reminds us of them. Continuing to pray for Deb.
mindful awareness
So good, Jacquie. Is there a certain posture or practice that you do to accomplish this? This is something I want to make more space for in my own life.
I practice when I walk or when I swim>