Such a great reflection on questioning, Charity - and I've just enjoyed the Canadian movie short and those National History Museum pics - WOW! (If you guys come to London, the museum is a must-visit and we'll join you!! :)). I love how you make the point that, in the Bible, often Jesus himself is doing the questioning. I can't stop thinking about that, and I find it so arresting when he does - as if, in the Living Word, he is questioning us, here and now (as with, "Who do you say I am?" Now I need to find that question!). I also love those nature journal prompts (esp the one that asks us what something reminds us of, and all that this can spark).

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I feel like Jesus continues to ask us those questions, too, through His stories, His word. The questions were so poignant to the people he asked them of, but they hold up well across the centuries and cultures. Just today, I was reflecting on the story of Blind Bartimaus and Jesus's question: What do you want me to do for you?

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