I never want to get to the end of these!! 🙌 I think all of us are feeling the strangeness and discomfort in social situations right now - just back from church and messaging a friend afterwards she said how wonderful it was but also “so strange being back” (together in person). I think there’s so much processing for everyone going on in the moment, even if no one talks about it taking some navigation. Being kind to ourselves and each other- as you said, loving one another as Jesus reminded us - seems never more important. ❤️🤗🤗

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It really is going to take a lot of kindness to make it through this next phase of pandemic life. I don't think I mentioned in the newsletter above, but I also am late a lot now. I'm still getting used to how much time it takes to get out of the house. I'm trying to do better, but boy, does that take a lot of kindness from the people who are waiting on me!

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Yes, yes - that too!!!!

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Wow Charity! Great newsletter. Loved it. Loved the Gathering info. I never thot of the distinctions you mentioned. Lots of food for thought. Application for a conference was very interesting. I also enjoyed reading the Google hacks for writing g and exiting. I have never used Google docs but now I’m tempted. Martha B

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Hi Martha -- Thanks for your comment, and I hope you find Google docs to be a helpful resource. There's so much you can do with it ... it's particularly good for collaborating.

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Oh Charity! You summed up all the emotions! I have to remind myself that we have all been through trauma with the pandemic. It’s very easy to run and hide, but I must face these awkward moments. Amazing news about Jacob! I will keep him in my prayers for safety.

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Hi Tracy! Running and hiding is exactly what I've wanted to do lately. And it's so strange because for months I couldn't wait to be with people again. I guess it will just take time. In some ways, I'm already growing a little more comfortable after a few weeks.

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Another lovely letter, thank you Charity! Wow, your reflections on re-entering social life gave me so much to think about. We're about to get our first shot soon (here in Canada), and I'm glad I can take some time to think over the things you shared.

On a different note, I love Scrivener! I use it, oddly enough, to arrange long(er) articles whenever I write one. Google docs for the rest. But I gotta admit, love the "folder" feel and look to it. It's amazing to see and be able to store all sorts of notes and research in one visual.

Happy Friday, friend! 😊💙

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I'm so glad that you'll be vaccinated soon, Paola! It was such a great feeling to be vaccinated and know we could begin to reengage with people ... plus all the complicated feelings and experiences, of course!

I'm very interested to hear how you use Scrivener. I think I'll probably use it for more and more of my writing projects as I grow more comfortable with it. I like the various views, and I like having a place to drop in quotes and other bits of research; I take full advantage of the various icons and coloring coding!

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We got shot 1 last weekend :) One down, one to go.

I use Scrivener mostly to organize longer things I'm writing. Whether it's a longer newsletter or a series of ideas that seem connected and I don't yet know if or how. I will use the "notebook" and keep in 'one' place (using the different sections) the notes I scribble, the links that inform my thinking, etc. If I ever wrote a book, I suspect I would try and do it using Scrivener.

For the kind of writing I do, I use it when I feel I have a lot of moving pieces and want to keep track of what's what. It took me a while after I purchased it to actually navigate it;) Not the easiest thing at first. It looks inviting but it can be time-consuming. As you know, techy stuff is not my forte! That being said, I resolved to just go easy and use as I learned. So once I understood a feature I began to use it. This means there are features I haven't looked into because I haven't needed them. I suspect you will move much faster than me because you are tech-savvy :)

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