May 14, 2022Liked by Charity Singleton Craig

I love your Wonder Reports! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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What a wonderful issue! Yes to the Joy of Reading. (Love the 0 to 60 Love your Place concept!) My mother was not a huge reader either, but I share those same great memories of mom reading with us. A rainy day makes me want to run to the library because that’s what mom would do with us, and afterwards, we would come home and read together. Thanks for another great read. I’m drumming up dates for us. Was at the ima this week and thought of you. Happy birthdays and graduation celebrations!

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I think reading together is one of the most special things people can do with each other, even if each is reading her own thing. It’s such a picture of acceptance and intimacy. I think that’s why I like this painting so much.

Can’t wait to get together!

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