I think "Where the Red Fern Grows" was one of the first books I read that made me cry. Just reading your newsletter...when I read the words "Little Ann and Old Dan" there was a little jolt of sadness that surprised me today. Good books do that. Thanks for your wonderful thoughts on why we keep reading sad things. It does help us as we face the challenges of life somehow. ~Robyn

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I love this, Charity. I need to think about the book question, but your reflection about why we read sad stories - even when we know how they end - makes me think about an ongoing discussion I have with Will when it comes to our movie choices. He will say how watching a sad or emotionally hard but beautifully and powerfully told story is valuable and helpful for EXACTLY the reasons you explore here, and give such beautiful examples from your own life of. He’s right, I know. I just sometimes want the “happy clapping ending” but when I’ve gone with him I’ve found the experience all the richer.

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