I have spent the last 10 years trying to "deprogram" my brain and heart from a fundamentalist upbringing. For years, I thought God couldn't wait for me to mess up so he could "strike" me with a lightening bolt, or "smite" me and those I love due to my mess-ups. I realized that I was attributing my biological/earthly father's traits to our Creator, which is incorrect, but hard to shift away from. We are all works in progress!

Sorry I will miss the Zoom meeting, but I will still be at work at 3 pm!

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Thanks for sharing this part of your story, Valerie. I think it's easy for us to bring our experiences to bear on what we think God is like. I know I do that. I'm grateful that God has told us what he is like in his word. Now if we could just believe it!

Unfortunately, I had to cancel the Zoom meeting because of my caregiving duties. But if I do one again, I'll try to plan it so you can attend.

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Charity Singleton Craig

Number 1 is intriguing! I think at the outset of a problem or negative circumstance I forget to think, 'God knows this,' or 'God is in control.' But as soon as I do, I am able to relax and not worry about the things I can't control. It doesn't solve all the challenge or stress, which can keep going, but I really don't find myself blaming God or forgetting that He is good. For instance...

When you mentioned your air conditioner--this resonated with me. I found our unit was leaking into a closet by walking on sopping wet carpet in the bedroom last month. So the bedroom closet items were moved to the living room. After two air conditioner companies have looked at it, proposed solutions, and $300+ later, we are getting a new unit, but have yet to receive an estimate. The bedroom closet things joined the kitchen things in the living room and dining room. Since April 1st our house has been in upheaval as we ordered new countertops and all the kitchen cabinet contents were all over the house. Most things that could go wrong did, with the wrong diagram going to the installers etc. etc. The countertops are now installed and I'm now getting the kitchen back in order. So far this year we put in a new furnace (the old one failed), purchased new appliances for the kitchen, replaced the countertops, and now the air conditioner unit...I'm wondering if God knows something we don't??? In all, we are feeling blessed and God is good!

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Q - I'm so sorry about the mayhem in your house! Sounds like maybe things are starting to get better. We've been living parallel lives with all that's gone wrong! I'll bet if I looked, though, I'd find several things that went just right. Even if I didn't realize it at the time.

I love your thoughts about what happens between the time you experience something negative and the time you remind yourself that God knows and is in control. I wonder how we can shorten that time?

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Thanks, Charity... a good question that I have considered also--shortening that time so our natural reflex is to trust in all situations.

Sorry about the Zoom, but glad you are recognizing where your thoughts and energies need to be focused right now. Make whatever adjustments you need to make!

And, we are getting more organized now. A friend and her family came yesterday and determined to help us move furniture where it should be. The new AC is installed and life seems rather tranquil today. And the Lord said to Moses, Do not fear, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord (Ex 14:13). That was quite a different circumstance, but I think it still applies. Praying as you care for your mom, etc. etc.

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