Beautiful! I hadn’t thought about that before, how flowers are there with us to bring comfort, cheer, celebration and consolidation at key times throughout our lives. Definitely would love to participate in any zoom if UK times don’t make it tricky - I’ll try and fit them around others! What a lovely idea!
Flowers are really among my favorite things ... I hadn't really thought about how often they are present until I sat down to record that video. (By the way, I'm going to have to cancel the Zoom call. Sorry! Caregiving responsibilities are intensifying and I'm just not sure I can pull it off. Thanks for understanding.)
Beautiful! I hadn’t thought about that before, how flowers are there with us to bring comfort, cheer, celebration and consolidation at key times throughout our lives. Definitely would love to participate in any zoom if UK times don’t make it tricky - I’ll try and fit them around others! What a lovely idea!
Flowers are really among my favorite things ... I hadn't really thought about how often they are present until I sat down to record that video. (By the way, I'm going to have to cancel the Zoom call. Sorry! Caregiving responsibilities are intensifying and I'm just not sure I can pull it off. Thanks for understanding.)
The “with-ness” of God! Love that phrase and will be pondering it this week! Thank you for the rich content you provide each week!
You're welcome, Kim. And let me know what epiphanies you have regarding God's with-ness. It's such a rich part of our habit of faith.