About 11 years ago we moved from California, where I had lived for 30 years, to a small town in southern Indiana. It was a bit of culture shock, but the thing I learned was that if I actively looked for God's blessings, I would find them. I also learned that people are much more willing to approach someone with a smile on their face! I made my best friend in that town because she felt comfortable to reach out to me because she said that every time she saw me around town, I was smiling. (I told you it was a small town!!) :)

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I love these lessons, Shannon. Attentiveness seems like an important quality in our spiritual lives ... there's so much we'll miss otherwise. And I love smiling; smiling is my favorite!

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I share the road with others on my journey! Being kind and helping them get ahead is hugely important.

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What a great lesson, Maggie. We often think of "the road" as a place of freedom from the constraints others place on us, and yet, the road is filled with other people looking for the same thing.

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To try and stay as truly present in the moment as possible and to savour and slow time (as if we ever could!). It has applied to so many times and stages of the journey. (Deleted this and started again, I’m all fingers and thumbs on my phone this morning! Clearly a sign I need to slow down…🤔❤️).

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What a paradox ... the road is alluring because it takes us away and keeps us on the move. But even there we'll miss what the lessons God has for us if we hurry and rush. I love this.

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I 've spent lots of time on the road and the one thing I learned is this, I can't wait to get back home.

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This seems like one of the road's most important lessons ... reminding us that we belong somewhere, that home is real, even if we don't always know where it is.

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Charity, I have learned so many things from being on the road. I learned how to lean into wonder on my first trip with my husband outside of North America, and I brought it home with me. I also learned on another trip that our plans can be interrupted but that God carries us through it all, and even surprises us with provision. I learned to appreciate art in a deeper way, other cultures and foods.

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Such good stuff, Sue! I picked up on a few words from your comment that really resonated: wonder, interruption, surprise, provision, appreciate. I'd say those are all great gifts that God can offer us on the road. I wonder how those things change the way we experience our more rooted lives, too? Any thoughts?

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I have definitely kept the ability to notice and appreciate that I cultivated while travelling and use them in my everyday life. Both of these still lead me to wonder even if it is something simple like a spider's web or the way a bud slowly opens.

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So beautiful, Sue! Thank you for sharing that.

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I have learned just how creative and awesome is our God. We have travelled across the United States twice and have seen so much countryside. And so many National Parks. God is AMAZING. Only He could have created Yellowstone, Grand Canyon. Or the beaches, snow-capped mountains. Or the sweet wild flower. Or the eagle soaring.

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I love this, Kerry! Creation is so vast and varied, which points to the vast and varied creativity of the maker. Thanks for sharing this!

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