I enjoy the in-person gatherings. With the virtual meetings I seem to loose my concentration and start checking to see what I need to be doing. I'm more a people person.

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I have trouble focusing with virtual gatherings, too!

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I think that virtual gatherings are fine when they are required by pandemic or physical distance. Otherwise, I still believe that in-person gatherings are much better. I like to look into people's eyes to gauge the true meaning of their words. I think that it's not so good for children who need to learn social skills by in-person interaction.

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It does seem to have been so hard on all the kids to be away from their peers. Even those who did get to be in-person have lost so much by masking and social distancing. I hope the next school year will feel more normal.

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Nothing can compare with being together and without masks! Had my Grandsons 20 birthday at a restaurant yesterday and it was great. no one wanted to leave... we laughed and cut up until I think other people wanted to join us! I sat there and thought of how many things have changed since we were all together like that .LOTS of changes. With that being said. ..I loved seeing the small things like Smiles on peoples faces ! What a blessing. I love my family and am so blessed to be a part of . Down side was the people that were missing at the table. Thankful for what I have !

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We did have a great time, didn't we? And then again a few nights later. And now you've gotten to be with family at the lake. I think we all have a lot of lost time to catch up on.

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