When I hear or read the words "the fear of God", I often picture standing outside, looking up into the night sky with an incredible amount of stars overhead...and I'm simply in awe.

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This is beautiful, Michaela. I love how awe and fear work together here. I think it works that way for me, too.

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That's a really big question! For me, it's coming to God, cognizant of who he is and who I am (and am not!) I think of how C.S. Lewis talked about it in, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," when Lucy and Mr. Beaver were discussing Aslan and she asks if Aslan is safe because she is afraid of meeting a lion. Mr. Beaver tells her that Aslan is not safe, but that he is good and that he is the King.

I sense my need for God's grace when I am focused on him. It's easy in my day-to-day preoccupation with self and circumstances to fix my eyes on me and what I can do. When I step back and focus on him, I can see how much I need him and his grace.

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I love all of this, Shannon. I think that's a good way to bring "fear of God" into the practical: remembering who he is and who I am. And boy, isn't that true about our focus? The more I focus on God's character and beauty, the more I remember how needy I am for him.

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