Summer is not my favorite season, but in Florida it's the rainy season, and one of my favorite sounds is rain on our tin roof. Not necessarily the hard rains of a thunderstorm, but the steady rains that often follow a thunderstorm. So peaceful.

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I love the sound of rain, too, which you probably realize now after reading this week's Wonder Report. And rain on a tin roof? That would be so comforting. Thanks for sharing this, Patricia!

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I like to sit on my front porch and listen to the sounds of outside.....kids laughing, people walking and talking, cars driving by, the small squeaking of the glider I sit on, the wind flipping through the trees and flowers... Summer is my favorite time of the year!

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It was so great to run into you at the library yesterday. I'm sorry I had to leave so abruptly. I also love to hear the sounds of outdoors. This seems to be the season of sound, in fact. Winter always seems so quiet with everyone shut up inside.

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I like to sit outside on my back porch and hear the bird songs and wind breezing through the trees. A perfect soundtrack for summer, no earbuds needed.

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I love the birdsong, too. I have an upstairs office that looks out into a tree, so I often feel like I'm perched up with the birds.

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I enjoy hearing the birds singing in the morning while I drink coffee. Also, enjoy hearing the kids playing outside laughing and riding the bikes, chalk on the sidewalk, etc.

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There are children squealing and laughing outside as I write. That's one of my favorite sounds of summer, too.

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I am enjoying the sounds of the cicadas which I hear in various places where I drive - a symphony seventeen years in the making!

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We haven't had any up in my county yet. I was down into my hometown over the weekend and the cicadas were really going at it. I couldn't believe how loud! We could even hear them as we drove with the windows up and the air conditioning on. It is an amazing sound, though.

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