Last weekend with my parents and brother. Looking forward to having both of my kids home next week. We have a museum visit and lunch planned, plus a visit to the grandparents. Yes, there has definitely been some awkwardness. I’ve never been a huge fan of small talk, but I seem to have forgotten entirely how to engage in it.

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I'm so glad for the upcoming visits you have planned, Marianna! And you certainly are not alone when it comes to small talk. I've lost my knack for it, too.

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This past Saturday my two cousins and me, took our 91 year old aunt to an antique mall that also had a restaurant inside. It was so much fun. My activities for Summer are limited as that I will soon have my L. knee replaced. My R. knee replacement is coming along great. I only get to the grocery store. for a month my husband shopped for us. Due to little outside ventures, I have not noticed any social awkwardness. Returned to church May 2nd. Everyone is respecting each others choice in mask or no mask. So many in our church are totally vaccinated now. I am not worried at all. Trusting God and his perfect Will in ALL things.

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Susan -- You've brought up a wonderful reminder for me that the social isolation and drastic measures that many of us took to stay healthy this year are just routine for so many people with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or age-related limitations and restrictions. I hope I can be more sensitive to the ways my "normal life" is a privilege not everyone experiences, especially as I'm resuming activity. I'll be praying for that second knee replacement.

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Thank you for your prayers, Charity. I know that this surgery will also be blessed according to His Will. I pray that I will always accept His Will.

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As mentioned below, my husband and I are also very much looking forward to having friends over for meals. This is a big part of how we do life and I've missed it!

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I've missed having people over for meals, too. Very much looking forward to that again myself.

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Looking forward to having friends over for long, relaxed dinners this summer - BUT (!) also admit to counting the days we have 'left' whilst restrictions are still in place here (UK) for all the jobs/chores/redecorating To Dos in a slight panic! (You can imagine how much my husband is loving this, particularly).

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That's an angle I hadn't thought of ... the feeling that we should have gotten more done during the year of lock-down than we did. But I wouldn't worry too much about that, Jenni. I think people are going to be happy to be with you regardless of whether you've cleared your stacks or freshened up the paint. (At least that's what I'm telling myself when we have people over here! : )

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I live in Fort Worth, TX. I've not stopped gathering with family and friends. We have a son that lives near us with his family. We often get together-mostly on the weekends, but I babysit my 3 year old granddaughter during the week. We do not wear a mask. All our closest neighbors will visit with one another outdoors without a mask. Yesterday, I attended a birthday party that was held in the front yard of my next door neighbor and best friend. Her young granddaughter was the birthday girl. No one wore a mask. My parish has been open a long time. The adult group that meets for catechism classes or a C S Lewis book discussion is every Sunday morning before Mass. I believe this group began early this year. We wear a mask during the Mass. We remove the mask during the class because we are eating and drinking coffee.

When the COVID cases were higher people were more apt to be cautious. People have become relaxed because many of them have already gotten the vaccines or they've been sick with COVD.

No awkwardness. It is rare for people to talk about COVID or vaccines etc. People have adapted and moved on.

I have gotten my 1st vaccine. I am scheduled for a 2nd. My husband has declined to get one.

We both had COVID last November. I had a light case. My husband was more sick. He got COVID from a coworker who exposed several people.

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Annette -- It's so interesting to hear about how your community seems to have jumped back into normal social interactions and engagements after COVID-19 without much fuss. I'm guessing that's the reality for many, many people, especially in warmer areas where gathering outside was an option much earlier or in areas where the COVID restrictions were lifted sooner.

I am finding that people are still talking about COVID around here ... though I think we'll hear that less and less. Mostly I hear people reflecting on "the past year" and all its strangeness rather than COVID restrictions or risks now. I'm grateful we've gotten to the point where it doesn't have to be the topic of every conversation.

My husband and I still wear masks in crowds or indoor situations where we don't know everyone even though we're vaccinated, mostly because I go into my mom's nursing home several times a week, and the administration is asking family members to still be cautious since vaccines are not 100 percent effective. We were just talking this weekend about how long we may be asked to wear masks in certain environments. I hope not forever! :)

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Last year was a totally different story. But, yes, we've moved on to a different place. It is warmer here and stormy today.

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I think last year was a different story for everyone, wasn't it? Stay safe in the storms.

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